Childhood is a period in which growth and development continues, and individuals need their parents on many issues and require sensitivity. For these reasons, health problems encountered in childhood often mean a more difficult and more difficult process compared to adulthood. Many diseases that fall into the field of Pediatric Urology in this period when the sexual organs of girls and boys are in development, require medical techniques and treatment processes that should be specific to children, unlike adults. In patients aged 0-16 years, diagnosis, treatment and follow-ups are carried out for urological diseases known before birth or occurring after birth.
Our Pediatric Urology clinics offer minimal scarring, rapid healing and painless treatment using minimally invasive techniques. Cytoscopic methods are successfully applied in circumcision, undescended testis, kidney, bladder stones, tumors and infections.
Circumcision, which is among the requirements of the religion of Islam and which is referred to as the first steps of male children to adulthood among Muslims, is the separation of the skin covering the surface of the penis from the penis with a simple surgical operation. In order not to damage the penis during this procedure and to ensure the necessary hygienic conditions, circumcision should be performed by Pediatric Urology clinic physicians in health institutions.
The urological diseases of boys and girls treated in Pediatric Urology clinics can be listed as follows:
Undescended Testicle: The testicles located in the abdomen during the development period in the mother’s womb in male babies descend into the bags called scrotum between the 32nd and 36th weeks of pregnancy and take their place where they should be. In some babies, this descent may not have occurred or been completed. In these cases, the problem in the testicles is detected by a detailed examination after birth. Although most of them are done in the first 3 months, the treatment of undescended testicles should be done before the age of 1 with the help of surgical operation.
Hydrocele: Hydrocele disease, which develops in the form of excessive fluid accumulation in the membranes surrounding the testicles and consequently swelling of the testicles, is also known as water hernia among the people. The disease may be present at birth or may occur at any time in life. Diagnosis can be made easily with the patient’s history and clinical examination.
Spermatic Cord Cyst: In spermatic cord cyst, which is a different derivative of water hernia (hydrocele), it develops with the formation of a water-filled cyst in the middle part of the groin and in the areas close to it. Its treatment is similar to hydrocele and should be performed in Pediatric Surgery clinics.
Hypospadias (Prophet Sunnah): Hypospadias, which is seen as a congenital anomaly in boys, is also stated as the opening of the urethra to the bottom. In the penis with a healthy structure, the urethra (urinary canal) ends at the tip of the head of the penis, while in individuals with this disease, the end of the urethra is located on the lower surface of the penis or further back. The farther the end of the urethra is from the head of the penis, the more serious the disease is. In some advanced cases, the end of the urethra may be at the back of the testicles. The only treatment option is surgery.
Epididymoorchitis (Testicular Inflammation); Infection of the epididymis, which is a part of the male genitalia, usually progresses to the testicles and therefore the disease is called epididymoorchitis or orchiepididymitis. Although the disease is mostly seen in adulthood, it can also occur in childhood.
Infections such as Balanitis, Postitis and Prostatitis: Balanitis is the name given to the infection of the glans penis, postitis of the foreskin, and prostatitis of the prostate. All three different diseases are infectious diseases seen in the male genitalia, and several of them can be observed together. These diseases, which can progress to more serious dimensions if left untreated, should be evaluated by Pediatric Urology specialists.
Varicocele: Varicocele, which is among the urological diseases that cause the most infertility problem, develops in the form of varicose enlargement of the veins in the testicular organ, resulting in the deterioration of the temperature balance in the testicles. There is a certain temperature range where sperm can live, and because the body temperature is above this range, the testicles are directed out of the body. The deterioration of the heat balance due to varicocele, as well as the accumulation of dirty blood in the veins in the testis, negatively affect the testicular functions, sperm health and hormonal balance.
It causes infertility problem and therefore the disease should be treated with surgical interventions.
Kidney Ureter (UPJ) – Ureteral Bladder (UVJ) Junction Strictures: Stenosis in the ducts of the kidneys, which produce urine and have complicated tasks in removing harmful substances from the body and reabsorbing the substances needed by the body in the urine. and blockages are serious problems that can cause fluid and electrolyte imbalance in the body, as well as kidney damage, and require immediate treatment.
Urether Enlargement and Stones: Just like in kidney, ureter, bladder junction stenosis, the expansion of the ureter can cause the kidneys to not be able to function properly, and accordingly, many balances in the body, especially fluid and electrolytes, may be disrupted. Stones formed in the ureter can lead to problems such as obstruction of the ducts, decreased and cessation of urine output, and damage to the organ by increasing the pressure in the kidneys and must be treated.
Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR): The backflow of urine from the bladder to the tubes in the ureters, which are the channels connecting the kidneys to the bladder, is called vesicoureteral reflux. It usually develops due to the disruption of the bladder-ureteral valves due to continuous urinary retention and is commonly seen in young children. This disease, which can cause kidney damage, can be treated with the help of surgical interventions.
Bladder Infections and Stones: Like all infections that may occur in any of the organs of the excretory system, bladder infections threaten kidney health if not treated in a timely manner. At the same time, stones in the bladder can also block the urinary canal, causing increased pressure and consequently organ damage. For this reason, infections and stones detected in the bladder must be treated.
Exstrophya Vesica: The opening of the bladder to the outside of the abdomen due to the absence of the anterior abdominal wall is a rare congenital (congenital) disease called Exstrophya Vesica. Although there are different types of the disease and treatment methods that vary according to its type, all of the treatment methods are surgical operations.
Diagnostic and treatment methods applied in Pediatric Urology can be listed as follows:
Laparoscopic interventions (Closed surgical operations)
Endoscopic interventions
Cystoscopy, ureteroscopy
Urodynamic studies
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